Pet Ear & Eye Surgery

Here at Riverbend Animal Hospital, we understand that your pets are more than just animals; they are cherished members of your family. We know you want the best for their health, especially for delicate areas like their ears and eyes.

a person kneeling on a mat with a dog and a mask on her face
a person holding a dog

Pet Ear & Eye Surgery


This is a surgical procedure used to open the ear canal. It facilitates the removal of some ear tumors and allows drainage and healing for severe ear infections.

Vertical Canal Excision

This procedure is used to remove more aggressive tumors of the vertical ear canal.

Ventral Bulla Osteotomy

This surgery allows the removal of masses from the middle ear and drainage of middle ear infections.

Total Ear Canal Ablation

This procedure removes aggressive tumors of the horizontal ear canal or middle ear or treats deeply seated, chronic ear infections. The patient loses hearing in the treated ear as a result of this procedure.

Entropion & Ectropion Surgery

These are surgeries to repair eyelid deformities (usually congenital). The procedures resolve irritation to the cornea, improve the function and appearance of the eyelid, and relieve pain.